Thursday, September 5, 2024

Muscovy Duck : Age and Weight

Muscovy duck(locally known as 'pato' or 'bibe' in the Philippines) are resilient, fast growing and good egg producers that is why I love to have them in our yard.
I have listed the weight that they have according to age based on my experience. It is still incomplete and will keep it updated.

Age and weight

Age Diet Gender Weight(kg)
Live Feathered
Day old Comercial feeds Male ? ?
Female ? ?
30 Days Corn and pawa Male ~0.75 ?
Female ? ?
60 Days Corn and pawa Male 1.50 ?
Female ? ?
95 Days Corn and pawa Male 2.50 2.10
Female ? ?
120 Days Corn and pawa Male ? ?
Female ? ?
150 Days Corn and pawa Male ? ?
Female ? ?
180 Days Corn and pawa Male ? ?
Female ? ?
> a year Corn and pawa Male 3.00 ?
Female 1.40    1.25

'Pawa' is a Bikolano term for cooked vegetables given to hogs and poultry. 

I think that the best age to harvest is 90 days(3 months) as after it the growth rate will be slow and with the same amount of food that we give then. Also the meat at this age does have a good quality(not too tender compared to a 2 month old).